A step towards taking control of your health

Imagine the value of being able to know which specific diseases you should be screened for during medical check-ups. Thanks to scientific research we now have an increased understanding of the human genome, and how it affects our lifestyle, appearance and even our health. EasyDNA Ireland offers the Genetic predisposition health test, a revolutionary DNA test that allows you to discover your predisposition towards cardiovascular conditions, cancers, immune system, general health issues and more. Your results will be ready in 4-5 weeks from the receipt of samples at the laboratory.

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How can this genetic test determine my health risk?

By means of a simple home testing kit you can send your sample back for DNA analysis and extraction. The test has been developed using SNPs as risk factors for disease development. By looking for variations in the sequence of your DNA, referred to as single nucleotide polymorphisms, scientists are able to determine how these variations affect your life-time risk towards 35 major health conditions that account for the main causes of natural death the developed countries.

What would you do if you could discover which particular medical conditions present a potential but preventable threat to you? Think of the possibilities; you could start making the right lifestyle changes, planning specific health screening and blood tests and work together with a genetic councellor towards a tailored program for disease prevention.

List of diseases and conditions covered:

Our results

Our results will assess just how likely you are of developing the 35 diseases we test for over the course of your life.

Click below to see the Sample Report XX Female:

view sample report

Click below to see the Sample Report XY Male:

view sample report

Testing and Genetic Counselling

Testing is performed in an accredited facility to the highest laboratory standard available (read the terms and conditions HERE for this test) and each of the 35 conditions covered is supported by validated scientific research.

Once you have received your report we recommend that you go over the findings with your doctor or genetic consultant. The onset of disease is influenced not only by your genes, but also by other natural and environmental external factors. This is exactly why genetic health testing can help you manage your health better and in a more effective way!

Whilst you cannot alter your genetic makeup, you can alter conditions in your environment. There are certain factors (perhaps the types of foods you eat or your lifestyle habits) which are known to be possible triggers for certain diseases by activating the disease-causing genes. Changing and taking control of these external factors can decrease your chances of developing the disease. Each of the 35 conditions is influenced not only by your genetic markers, but also by external factors such as lifestyle, toxins, smoking, stress, diet, obesity, pollution etc. The degree to which both external environment and your genes influence your health varies from one condition to another. A medical professional will help you to understand the difference between the two and provide guidance on a personal level.

Why not consult a genetic counsellor about your results?

Our genetic counsellor is ideal if you have any concerns about your DNA test results. They can understand and interpret all aspects of your DNA test results, helping you maximize your own wellbeing and that of your relative. Genetic counselling is ideal in cases where you opt for a clinical test or health test but you can also consult our counsellor for any other test including parentage testing, prenatal testing and relationship testing.

Genetic counselling service is available at an additional fee of €70.

Important Note

Our test only looks at a limited number of variants related to breast cancer. If you have a family history of breast and ovarian cancer and are looking for a clinical result to confirm if you have the disease-causing variant in the gene or not then you need to order a complete BRCA 1 and 2 test. Our test will NOT provide a full gene screen and cannot be deemed a clinical result.

Please read our Health & Clinical Terms and Conditions HERE carefully and make sure you understand them before ordering this test.

Our glossary of terms

We have compiled a glossary with many useful terms related to genetics, genes and many other relevant terminology and jargon. View our genetic glossary HERE.

Upgraded Results: Celiac Disease Genetic Testing

For just an additional €40 we can provide you with an advanced report on Celiac Disease. This report can help you confirm whether you carry the genes involved in celiac disease and will effectively rule out the disease with an accuracy of 99%. Results for this test are ready in 4-5 weeks from the receipt of samples. Read more about our Celiac Disease Genetic Test.

Upgraded Results: Lactose Intolerance Testing

For an additional €40 we can provide you with an advanced report on Lactose Intolerance Disease this test analyses the LCT gene and the results will inform if you are positive with low or high risk for developing lactose intolerance.

We also provide a genetic counselling service for an additional fee of €70.

Please read our Health and Clinical Terms & Conditions HERE carefully and make sure you understand them before ordering this test.

Upgraded Results: Premium Package Testing

What is exactly included in the Premium Package? We have and exclusive offer which includes a combination of the 3 types of  testing services offered for the discounted price of €279:


  • Genetic Predisposition
  • Celiac Disease
  • Lactose Intolerance

The results for this combo are available within 4-5 weeks from receipt of your samples at the laboratory.


Disclaimer: Your test results are solely for informational and/or educational purposes only and should NOT be used for making medical, health or any other decisions without consulting a medical professional. Always speak to your doctor and seek professional help before taking action. The test does not replace a visit to a doctor, nor the advice or services of a doctor or other qualified specialist.

Find out if you carry the genes associated with Celiac Disease
Is there a chance you could be Lactose Intolerant?

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